Flexible Skylights
Flexible Skylights
Universal Roofs
Just like the name suggests flexible skylights are super easy to install. This is not to say that other types are difficult for us to manage, we are just stating the facts. If the room you want to have the skylight installed in is not directly accessible to the roof. Then flexible skylights are the preferred option as they can circumvent attics, lofts used for storage and other objects to get to their preferred location in your house.
What You Need To Know About Flexible Skylights
In a professional and efficient manner, we can have your flexible skylight discreetly installed exactly where you need it. It is ideal for shorter tunnels and softens light passing through it. The result of this is a room that isn’t too bright but rather maintains a moderate level of lighting. We give you a room that is not too bright with our flexible skylight. It is a quite affordable way of getting natural light into your home. The flexible tube of this particular skylight type helps you navigate around roof obstructions easily and is ideal for a shorter distance. Because of the way it is made, light reflects with less intensity in flexible skylights compared to rigid types.
Here at Universal Roofs, we know all about skylights from sourcing for the material to a perfect finish everything is done smoothly and with utmost efficiency.
With our flexible sun tunnels, we use a foil and wire ducting system similar to the one used for air conditioning. They are easier to fit and cheaper than other types of skylights. Ironically, flexible tubes are mostly preferred even though their tube is not straightforward like those of the rigid type. You can get these flexible tube systems around obstacles in your roof space. The only problem is the reduction in the amount of light when a bend is introduced into the tube. We are all about working around issues like this and you can be assured that we will try all maneuvers to prevent a bend that would affect the light intensity of your room below.
A flexible skylight delivers sun rays through a rooftop dome. They deliver the light into the room below via a highly reflective duct that is shaped like a tube. A mounted diffuser disperses the natural light from the ceiling to the room below. Regular skylights require a direct line from the rooftop to the ceiling below. Flexible devices on the other hand are easily manipulated to avoid obstructions and supply the light where needed. And sometimes can deliver up to 40 feet depending on the products.
You can install them in hallways, bathrooms, laundry rooms, and walk-in closets. They not only light up rooms but also help you save on electricity costs. They have a problem similar to regular skylights, the lighting it gives to a room disappears when it is nightfall. Although this can be avoided by installing led light. Thus when there is a lot of sunlight the tube provides natural light, and at night the led light will come on. This provides a seamless supply of sunlight throughout the day and night.
The first thing that might come to your mind is if it is ideal for your roof type. Whether flat or pitched it doesn’t really matter. If you want a flexible skylight then it is our job to fulfill your wish and desires. The one thing that influences skylights the most is the length of the pipe. The obstructions between the roof and the room below determine the length of the tube.
At Universal Roofs, we try to minimize the length of the tube since it affects light deliverance to the room below. Instead of looking at the specifications of a flexible tube, you should choose a professional installer like us to perfect everything from choosing the most suited to your home to making the final designs as beautiful as possible.
Do flexible skylights leak at all?
Most people have their skylights leaking all the time and it has made others afraid to get one. Yes skylights do leak but only if it is poorly installed. At Universal Roofs we offer you the best in terms of expertise and installation prowess. From the dome to tube, you are assured of a perfect finish that gives you value for your money. Traditional skylights leak all the time, which is why you should consider our flexible skylights for a perfect finish.
What size of flexible Skylights do you need?
This is probably the most common question customers ask about skylights. Flexible skylights come in different sizes and the perfect size for your needs depends on a lot of factors. How big is your room? What are the possible obstructions between your roof and the room you want to have the skylight installed in? This might seem a bit confusing but that is why we are the experts.
How much does this skylight type cost?
You get a reasonable and affordable quote once you decide that the flexible skylight is the ideal option for you. Or we can help you make that decision with our wealth of experience at Universal Roofs. We have been in the business of skylight installation in Toronto for quite a while.
Our skilled and efficient workers are ready to take the leap of making that dark space or corner of your house light, warm and breezy with our flexible skylight. The size of your room will sometimes dictate the size of skylight to be installed. Contact us today to begin the transformation your hallway, closet or kitchen needs!
Do you have your eyes on a particular type of skylight already? Let’s discuss, you can tell us your specifications and we will give you exactly what you had in mind and more! That is why we have the best skylight installation you can find in Toronto.
Why choose Universal Roofs for your flexible skylights?
- Flexible skylights provide flexibility in terms of installation. It is easy to work around obstacles without worrying about it affecting the result. That is why you should choose Universal Roofs
- This type of skylights are ideal for when the distance between the roof and the room below is too small or too much or a rigid skylight just won’t work. Either way we make the assessment and choose the best without stressing over it
- Your roof type doesn’t really matter when it comes down to it. Whether pitched or flat our flexible skylight installation is done with a high degree of expertise and professionalism
- The installation merges perfectly with your roof type. You need not worry about the flexible skylight looking odd or out of place on your roof. It is our duty to make it look a natural part of your house
- Are you worried that your skylight isn’t weather resistant and might not start something as harmless as a strong wind? Our skylight can stand hurricane areas and more. A trial will convince you
Contact our scheduling department today to make an appointment.
Contact us today to make an appointment for Your Skylight repair service. Once you make an appointment we will contact You.